Intercultural Educators ,

Robert and Judy Reed

Instruct the wise, and they will be even wiser. Teach the righteous, and they will learn even more.

Prov. 9:9

About us

For centuries, most missionaries have gone out from first world countries. Now God is calling more and more people in the two-thirds world to serve Him by taking the Good News around the globe. These missionaries need training in order to be as effective as possible. Robert has been developing online courses to provide this training. In 2021, he began working in conjunction with an online ministry training school in Costa Rica called ProMETA ( to help equip third world missionaries and pastors to carry out God’s call on their lives. Robert is applying his many years of academic experience in teaching, course development, and program development to this collaborative effort. This partnership expands the availability of his courses and lends his expertise to the ongoing ministry of preparing people for cross-cultural service, in Latin America and around the world.

Judy comes alongside Robert in ministry by keeping in regular contact with those who support this ministry through their friendship, prayer, and financial partnership. She also feels honored to be able to come alongside a handful of Latin American women in a mentoring, prayer, and/or companionship capacity. In addition, Judy has played a big role as “grandma” to three grandchildren (now young adults and a teenager) who live a half hour away from the Reeds.


Robert and Judy both grew up on the mission field and have served as missionaries themselves for 50 years. Robert has a broad education (PhD and four master’s degrees), and has been training missionaries in English and Spanish, both in the U.S. and abroad, much of his career as a missionary. Over 1000 students have been impacted by his teaching. Missionaries who have taken courses from him are now serving in upwards of 70 countries around the world. In 2011 he began writing online curriculum in Spanish for use in Latin America, to train Spanish speaking missionaries. He is now working in conjunction with ProMETA, an online ministry training school based in Costa Rica, to train third world missionaries. His desire is to provide excellence in training to help pave the way for successful cross-cultural ministries.

As a young single missionary, Judy worked as a linguist and Bible translator among the Asheninka people in the village of Churingaveni on the Perené River in Peru. Her program was terminated in 1980, and she married Robert shortly thereafter, and they began working in Colombia together. After being without contact with the Asheninkas for 35 years due to the remoteness of the village and lack of mail, email, phone, etc., God miraculously reunited her in 2015 with these people who are like family to her. She has since made five trips back to the village, delivering the Jesus film and Scriptures in the language of the people. The most recent trip was in the summer of 2018. She maintains a relationship now with people in the village via email, WhatsApp and Facebook, in stark contrast to when she left, when no means of communication was available. 


  • Thank God for His faithfulness to us.
  • Pray that we and our children and grandchildren will walk deeply with God and reflect Him faithfully to the world around us.
  • Pray for health and strength to carry out God’s calling on our lives.
  • Pray for wisdom in consulting and advising ProMETA students in their studies, and administrators in development of current and future programs for training Latin American Christian pastors and mission leaders.

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  • Pray for us
  • Support us financially
  • Encourage us with your friendship
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