Ministry of Mercy Orphanages

"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world." James 1:27

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​About us

Tucked away in a little remote village called Otutulu in central Nigeria is an orphanage bursting at the seams with the love of Christ and filled to overflowing with orphans and the disadvantaged. It is a daily struggle to feed, clothe, educate and give medical care to so many. Women, sometimes widowed or with physical challenges of their own, are hired by Daniel as surrogate mothers to care for the children. Each woman cares for up to 12 children and will eat and sleep with and mother them as if they were her own. Other staff members include a medical specialist, teachers for the in-house school (pre-K-12), farm workers, cooks, drivers and numerous others needed for the diverse ministry. 


Ministry of Mercy was started because God brought together one handicapped child, one loving couple, one grieving widow and one very gifted, godly family who had great faith and a great compassion for the disadvantaged and outcast. To read more of this fascinating story, visit

Join us in prayer:

  • that we would be guided by the Lord in all we undertake
  • for our spiritual growth.
  • for professors to join Manuel in the work of Biblical teaching and practical skills training.
  • that God’s Word would leave an impression in the hearts of each person we teach


Your tax-deductible gift will be used to fund the needs of the orphanage.  Click the DONATE button below to give online OR send a check made out to Partners In Joy, Inc. to the address below. Make sure to specify that it’s designated for the orphanage.

Partners In Joy, Inc.

P.O. Box 3761
Pueblo, CO 81005

How you can help

Running a large orphanage is challenging and requires outside sources.  Your help not only encourages the staff but is essential for us to care effectively for these boys and girls. There are many needs, and many ways in which you can reach out and bless MoM. Recurring expenses include infant formula, food, clothing, education and medical care for the large MOM family. We welcome short term mission teams to provide medical and dental clinics as well as general repairs and maintenance. The children love to have visitors pay special attention to them too.  To read more about how you can help, visit where you will find a more complete list of needs and ways to help.